Monday, September 9, 2013


Reason No. 36 why I am a lucky, lucky bride-to-be: Ryan has spent two Saturdays in a row taking care of the pups and unpacking at the new house alone so that I could be out shooting (photographs that is). I absolutely LOVE photography, but for as long as I can remember, I haven't had time to truly put my heart in to it - mostly because I was working weekends. This is the first time in my life I have a solely Monday through Friday job, and it has been GREAT for my photography. Ryan is SO incredibly supportive of my passion, and is always encouraging me. Here is a little bit of what I was doing the last two Saturdays...

Also, Ryan has decided he is going to be my new business manager. So if you are interested in photos, e-mail either of us. :) 

xoxo - Becki