Monday, July 1, 2013


If you can't tell by our book themed blog and save-the-dates, reading is a big influence on our relationship.  I love that she appreciates good literature (and I'm very lucky that my English degree came in handy for something!) The downside to this is that in our early phases of dating, reading together was not a top priority. (At one point Becki did ask me to read The Phantom Tollbooth to her, but I wasn't ready to be Miss Frizzle to her Magic School Bus class quite yet).

Because of this, Becki and I began watching TV shows together frequently, and to my amazement she has been left completely in the dark to some fantastic shows. (I, on the other hand, have dozens of shows I watch consistently, which both amazes and annoys her whenever I say something is "my favorite"). Most of the shows we're watching are ones I'm going back over with her, thinking things to myself like, "No wife of mine will be able to say 'I've never heard of Greendale Community College' or 'what does Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose mean?'" It'll be a long process, but here are ten shows that Becki has/will have to see, in no particular order, and how they can improve our marriage.

1. Friday Night Lights - because every marriage can use a few pointers from Coach and Tami's relationship.
2. Mad Men - because every marriage can use a few pointers from Don Draper's relationships...on what not to do.

3. The Wire - because every marriage needs to see both sides of the story, i.e. his opinion vs. her opinion, the street's side vs. the police's side, etc...

4. Justified - because every marriage needs a little man crush on Timothy Olyphant.  Wait... I meant needs to appreciate his acting. Yeah, his acting...

5. New Girl - because every marriage needs to complete their zombie novel eventually.
6. Community - because every marriage needs to consider the dark timeline.

7. Damages - because every marriage needs to see the downside of always winning.

8. Breaking Bad - because every marriage can be spiced up with a gentleman's amount of meth. (Bad joke...don't do meth.)

9. Chuck - because every marriage should be just a little bit nerdy.

10. Parks and Recreation - because every marriage can use a DJ Roomba.  (Don't worry, we registered for one.)


The Honorable Mentions: 
- Arrested Development
- Happy Endings (RIP!)
- Twin Peaks
- The Office
- Scrubs
- Freaks and Geeks
- How I Met Your Mother

Bonus points to whoever can convince Becki that she needs to watch the following shows: 
- Game of Thrones
- Lost

Becki has made a similar list and we have watched every single episode of this show but let's move on: 
- Pretty Little Liars

Shows that used to be good but are now terrible and will never make it on this list: 
- Dexter



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