1. The Food
I figure we will go ahead and put this one on the board. I'm obsessed with CFA's food. It is my most frequent craving, and I ask Ryan to take me there way more than any grown woman should. But, the next few reasons make it okay.
2. The Employees
I could tell numerous stories of great service, friendly greetings, and just overall a staff that goes above and beyond. But instead, I will only mention one woman today - Sonja. She works at the location on Kirby, and I have never met someone who can make a stranger feel special and valued within a 3 minute window of ordering. She is constantly pouring out blessings onto customers, and she is unbelievably great at remembering names and faces. I had only been in there twice before she remembered my order!
3. The Values
I said this quite a bit during the "Great-Gay Chick-fil-a Controversy" (I just made up that title, but I think you all know what I am talking about) : regardless of whether or not you agree with their Christian values, you have to give them credit for being unwavering in what they believe. Who would you rather support; someone who changes based on peer pressure, or someone who stands by their beliefs regardless of what others think of them? I'll go with the latter.
And beyond the steadiness of the companies beliefs, I tend to agree with what they put forward. This shouldn't be any surprise if you read my last blog post about unconditional love. CFA is an incredible example of Christ - serving all, regardless of status or sin. I have never had an employee, or another customer for that matter, act with anything but kindness inside the restaurant. I mean, let's be honest, how many places can you go to that don't have a true "line" and not have brawls break out? There is something about the atmosphere, which is set by the employees, that encourages customers to display kindness and patience to one another.
4. The Free Stuff
What? You didn't know about the free stuff? You must not go to CFA enough...
But seriously - they truly reward their customers. Between treat receipts (free sandwich for survey on the bottom of your receipt), text messages about give-aways, and free-breakfast weeks, there is always something going on! For instance, I just received a text message for a free milk-shake. Was I planning to go to CFA for dinner? Nope. Will I probably go to CFA for dinner and get that free milkshake? You betcha. They are social marketing geniuses.
5. The Patrons
I often go to CFA for lunch on work days. My office is generally a cool 62 degrees, so I use lunch as a time to defrost before putting in the second half of my day. Not only is CFA conveniently close, it also has a patio, so it is perfect!
More than a few times have I had other CFA customers join me for lunch. Folks will sit down with me and enjoy the humidity and heat that Houston so kindly offers us at this time of the year. I have learned the stories of others, gotten book suggestions, movie suggestions, restaurant reviews, and even been prayed for!
Convinced yet that CFA is wonderful? Or are you at least hungry and craving some waffle fries?

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