Monday, June 17, 2013

Salsa padre.

I haven't celebrated Father's Day in awhile. For those of you who don't know, my daddy died in 2000 from a severe heart attack. Mother's day has become an even more special day of the year for us, as my mom stepped up to take over both parenting roles. (She rocked it by the way.) But Father's day kind of slipped away.

Lucky for me, I was able to celebrate it yesterday. I am being welcomed into an incredible family with open and loving arms. I am so grateful that Ryan has grown up with such an incredible father. He sets an example of a Christian husband, father and grandfather. Although I wish that my daddy would be around for Ryan and I's future family, I am lucky my children will get to grow up with at least one incredible grandpa.

Plus he loves spicy food and making Aggie jokes at Ryan's expense. Could he be any better?
Hook 'em.

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