Wednesday, June 5, 2013

May the Best Man Survive...

Our engagement party last weekend, held at Local Pour near downtown Houston, was a raging success.  Becki and I hand painted everyone personalized mason jars/steins.  (I'll have you know that I've gotten very good at painting solid colors).  Nearly everyone was able to make it, save for a few out-of-towners.  We are so fortunate to have such amazing friends that are so willing and excited to be a part of wedding and lives.

We are going to talk about each member of our wedding party at Smith House, but first I want to give a shoutout to my Best Man, Robby Glenn.

If you know Robby (and I've known him since I was eight years old), you'll know I'm right when I say he's mixture of Coach Taylor (of FNL fame), Bill O'Reilly, and Lou Holtz.  That is to say, he's an alpha dog who doesn't mind ruffling a few feathers while occasionally being unintentionally hilarious.  I lived with him long enough to coin the nickname "9 o'clock Rob" for him, since he took Poor Richard's Almanack to heart when he read "early to bed, early to rise...".  Rob loves to tell a good story, not unlike your grandfather used to do.  Not only did I see him make a game-winning shot in our intramural basketball game in 2010, I've lived to hear him tell the tale at least twenty times!  (More miraculous each time, of course).  He's also an incredible Christian, someone I know is genuinely praying for Becki and I as we get closer to our wedding date. I'm really excited to have him as my Best Man.


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