You know you had a good birthday when you need Starbucks to get yourself to work the next day. (Okay - you're right, I think I need Starbucks every day.)
But I wasn't planning on telling you all about my birthday, I just wanted to take an opportunity to blog about how incredible the show we saw last night at the Alley Theatre was.

Before we went, all Ryan told me was that we were going to see Sherlock Holmes. So of course, I was thinking it was going to be traditional Sherlock Holmes (which I was very excited for). But turns out, the play is actually a combination of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson. And it was fantastic.
I won't be a spoiler - especially since I am writing this to encourage every single person I know to go see it, but the actors did an incredible job or portraying the characters, and the plot never hit a dull point. I had never read The Suicide Club, (I plan to now) so maybe you will go into it with more background knowledge than I did, but I still don't see how it could disappoint! I am so glad my fiance picked this as my birthday outing.
One final note, if you are ever putting on a play about Abraham Lincoln, Todd Waite is the guy to play the role. I couldn't get over how much he looked like our former president.
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