Friday, May 10, 2013




I think all of our friends and family would agree that Ryan and I are "dog people". Some may say that we (at least I) am borderline obsessed. A lot of friendships have started off with the line "Can I pet your dog?!" Starbucks, the park, the bayou; pretty much anywhere we go there is a dog that I want to pet. My World Race friends can vouch that this even happened in third world countries. It is a pretty normal day if Ryan and I have sent numerous dog photos like these back and forth to each other. Let's be honest - who wouldn't have a better day after seeing a picture of a Corgi in a fedora?
The trouble with loving dogs is that you can't save them all. According to Statistics Brain, more than 3.5 million animals are euthanized or die in shelters every year. Miley was almost a +1 to that number. She was the only puppy in her litter that survived at the shelter before I adopted her. She is so loved, and definitely living the good life, but she is just a drop in the bucket when you see a number like 3.5 million. It seems hopeless, and makes me feel a little guilty for wanting to buy a Pyredoodle when there are so many cute little faces that need to be adopted.
With no intentions of starting a Buy vs. Adopt war, I would love to hear why any of you other dog lovers out there decided to buy a dog from a breeder rather than adopt, and vice versa.
P.S. If you are looking to adopt a dog, there is a beautiful spotted Great Dane needing a home at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter.
*All photos courtesy of Pinterest.

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