Friday, May 17, 2013

The Return or: How I Learned to to Stop Plagiarizing and Love...ahem

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything I have written online.  In fact, it’s been over a year since my roommate Tyler and I came up with an increasingly ambitious ten-part project we eventually titled The Fictional Character Hunger Games, which is an admittedly clunky and unoriginal title. (I personally loved writing it, even if it may have sent my beloved college blog into a fifty-page grave filled with Nic Cage’s jeers.Since then, I have mostly stuck to my own writing; intermittent ideas scribed in spirals, notepads, and even on iPhones.  
            One of my lifelong dreams has been to write a book.  (Other lifelong dreams include playing professional basketball, owning a Volkswagen Bus, and marrying the girl of my dreams.  At least one thing is happening.)  From an early age I wrote stories on family road trips (mainly plagiarizing Goosebumps or Animorphs....).  Since graduating from school and entering the real world, I've kinda lost sight of that dream.  Luckily, Becki has been really helpful in getting me back on the writing train.  (Something original this time, I promise!)

 (Reader beware....8-year-old Ryan was in for a lawsuit)

            I’m not exactly sure where this blog is headed, but with my ridiculously creative fiancé by my side (seriously, wait until you see the wedding logo she made), I don't think anything is off the table.  So whether it be a post about our engagement photos or a quick snippet lamenting the inevitable overpaid Houston Rockets free agent this summer, we hope that you will stick around and enjoy us at the "original" Smith House.


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