Meet the (Soon to be) Smith House
Ryan + Becki
While we would consider ourselves a writer and a photographer, we are both far from being able to use that as our job title. Ryan currently works in Human Resources for EOG Resources, and Becki is a Marketing Director at Matrix Structural Engineers. We pursue our passions on the side (hence our above engagement selfie taken and editted by Becki) hoping to someday be published, well known, work-from-home artists. Oh, we also hope to be supremely rich (from pursuing our passions of course) so that we can have a lot of puppies and travel around the world in a Volkswagen Bus.
Puposourus Rex
Miley isn't this tiny anymore, but she still is a fantastic help with the dishes.She turned four years old in January, and of course Ryan won her heart by buying her a peanut butter cupcake to celebrate.
We got engaged mid-April, and we hope to share our entire engagement with you - and then maybe even continue on into our marriage. We don't have a real "plan" for where this blog is going to go, but you can probably expect entries ranging from DIY Wedding ideas (We plan for our wedding to be 100% personal, and 100% affordable) to Funny stories about us and our pup (she often makes for good writing). We can't promise our blog will always be the greatest thing you have ever read, but we can promise to be honest about our real-life engagement; celebrations, challenges, mishaps, nonsense and excitement.
Hooray for a blog!!!! Cheers to the Smith House!!! Love you guys!!!!